AIGA@8 – Creative Roundtable Columbia

Please join us at SOCO for April’s AIGA@8 Designer Roundtable

This is simply a small gathering of people who manage a design studio or team. We’ll get together monthly(ish) to swap stories, share our wins or get help from a seasoned group to solve problems that might be haunting you.

Think of this as Coffee Talk for Design Pros. We’ll start with a topic but move to whatever subjects the group would like to engage as well.

All you need for entry is a good Cup of Joe. Luckily Starbucks is just outside the door of SOCO. 😉

May 19th @ 8 am @ SOCO
Roundtable starts at 8:15

This month’s topic is “Tips & Tricks of the Trade”

By Jae Dollason
Published May 13, 2015
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